Peachybitchy babes

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

sunrise or sunset

i have been munching on heaps of peanuts (nicely given to me by the sao di ah po) so much so that i decided to put an end to it and use the last 9 mins blogging the third time before work end.

was toking to owen, my colleague during lunch time and it can be depressing how pessimisstic one can get or one's surrounding+happenings+experiences can cause one to become a moody pout.

look on the bright side of life? seek the best among the worst sceanario?

to someone who has alr been so discouraged by love by career, i wonder how much i can talk some sense into him that the world is still pretty, mankind is still kind, love can still be simple+pure+easy+lovely.

Splendid, life can be.

is it not? i've once been depressed, seeking something out of nothing.
Being 21 certainly doesnt justify my stand but still i guess much changes have been made eternally.
Considering the degree of complains, grumbles, depressions i used to embrace.

It takes lotsa of time n self thinking not age to dawn on some life logics + theory.
At least i think i gain something and found those principles.

Life is a long way and being ill equiped mentally can be of the greatest handicap.

No matter what, I still hold my stand & beliefs.



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