A series of unfortunate events...
yesterday was a very exciting, adrendline pumping day. in the morning while was in doing my stuff in my room.. there was a loud BAM! so i looked out of the window and didn see anything, jus the sound of gushing water.
"Chey, stupid neighbours again.." i thought.. cos my neighbours like to make funny noises.. like knocks on the wall and this v irritating china gal's laughter.
I went on with my own things den i realise the sound of gushing water is not stopping.. i tot the neighbours flushing out their hse or something.. haha..so i went to look out the window again.. TO MY HORROR... my backyard was filled with water!!! Rushed down quickly to see that the hot water tank had a little explosion. and all the water in the tank gushed out furiously... so i turned off the tap and called the landlord. we have no hot water now. and its winter.....------Unfortunate event number one.
Then in the evening, while we were back from school and watching the Break Up ( which i think has a super lousy ending) Isaac normally hates being cold so he has his portable heater on the bed while i sat next to his bed on a chair.. OUt of NO WHERE .. the heater exploded and sparks everywhere and the heater caught fire.. RIGHT IN MY FACE. cos i was next to it... so of cos my first reaction is to protect my face.. Then after we unplugged the thing.. i picked it up and it had another tiny explosion..DAMN SUAY.. -------Unfortunate event number two.
yesterday was a very exciting, adrendline pumping day. in the morning while was in doing my stuff in my room.. there was a loud BAM! so i looked out of the window and didn see anything, jus the sound of gushing water.
"Chey, stupid neighbours again.." i thought.. cos my neighbours like to make funny noises.. like knocks on the wall and this v irritating china gal's laughter.
I went on with my own things den i realise the sound of gushing water is not stopping.. i tot the neighbours flushing out their hse or something.. haha..so i went to look out the window again.. TO MY HORROR... my backyard was filled with water!!! Rushed down quickly to see that the hot water tank had a little explosion. and all the water in the tank gushed out furiously... so i turned off the tap and called the landlord. we have no hot water now. and its winter.....------Unfortunate event number one.
Then in the evening, while we were back from school and watching the Break Up ( which i think has a super lousy ending) Isaac normally hates being cold so he has his portable heater on the bed while i sat next to his bed on a chair.. OUt of NO WHERE .. the heater exploded and sparks everywhere and the heater caught fire.. RIGHT IN MY FACE. cos i was next to it... so of cos my first reaction is to protect my face.. Then after we unplugged the thing.. i picked it up and it had another tiny explosion..DAMN SUAY.. -------Unfortunate event number two.
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